Personal Data Processing Policy GDPR - Protecting Personal Information

The collection and processing of personal data by COFREET (hereby acting as a processor of information within this registration procedure), collected during the creation of your account on the app MY LABEL, are strictly limited to the information that are necessary for the management of your personal account.

The collection of data are legitimately justified by the need to give you access to the data that you will have saved within the app, and for the possibility to retrieve those data.

The personal data categories include: email, pictures saved in the app and their corresponding care labelling instructions.

If need be, each natural person concerned has the right to access, rectify, modify, delete and transfer (depending on each case), his/her personal data.

Each person also has the right to oppose the processing of his/her personal data and oppose its use for information purposes, as explained above.

To exercise these rights, each natural person concerned is invited to contact COFREET directly, via the following email address:, under the "GDPR” reference.

Finally, each natural person concerned can lodge a complaint with the National Commission for Data Processing and Freedoms (CNIL).

We thank you for reading this information and remain at your disposal via the above email address, should you have any further questions.

Yours sincerely, The COFREET Team